Your membership has refreshing perks.
Great tasting bottled water, delivered. Enjoy exclusive pricing on bottled water delivery to your home or workplace.

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*Pricing valid for current Costco Members only. Entry into Service Agreement required to receive stated pricing. Delivery fee, bottle deposits, paper invoice fees, and late fees may apply. Customer subject to CA CASH REFUND or applicable state bottle deposits on all cases. Not available in all areas. Dispenser may be rented for an additional cost and selection is subject to availability. Water type subject to availability. Offer available for a limited time only. Service provided by DS Services of America, Inc., dba Primo Water North America.
The choice is yours, with a wide selection of refreshing bottled water options to keep your family, friends and colleagues well hydrated. Our most versatile packaging, 5-gallon bottles, are returnable and reusable, and with their large capacity you can refill your portable bottles and glasses with ease.
We have the perfect solution – choose what's right for you!
Our bottom-load bottled water dispenser combines the best of all worlds. Dispense hot and cold water with a stylish design and a bottom-loading compartment that eliminates heavy lifting.
Or choose a water dispenser combined with a single-cup coffee brewer – it’s the cooler way to brew, and the ultimate in convenience and clutter-free allure.
Dispenser model and color may vary.
Let us do the work to keep your family, colleagues and customers hydrated. We'll make sure your home or business is well stocked with delicious, bottled water – to meet everyone's hydration needs.
Water is essential to our lives. That's why we act responsibly to promote hydration and the benefits of drinking water.
We also strive to be good stewards of our planet. We care about the communities we serve and the world at large, and we are committed to promoting environmental sustainability, responsible sourcing, waste reduction, recycling and efficient transport. For example, did you know that each reusable, recyclable 5-gallon water bottle can keep 1,500 single-use water bottles out of landfills and oceans?†
Our delivery is easy and convenient. We simply drive up and drop off your requested order at your doorstep. Just leave your empty bottles outside for pickup and we will replace them.
Select your bottled water and add-on a bottom load water dispenser to your delivery.
A friendly Route Sales Representative will bring your custom order to your doorstep and pick up your empties every two weeks.*
Enjoy your refreshing bottled water! You can manage your order on our app, MyWater+.
Our customer service is as refreshing as our water! Not only do Costco® members enjoy special pricing, you also have a customer care team dedicated to your needs.
Plus, we make ordering easy – you can call or order online. Once you place your initial order you can also use our MyWater+ app to manage your recurring order and delivery schedule.